Bandmixers > Discography : Volume 1
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Band Meet-N-Greets / Discography : Volume 1
Meet-N-Greet Preparations
- Build a playlist and begin familiarizing yourself with your band's assigned performance material.
- Begin reviewing material's song structure's (verse, chorus, bridge, etc) and background vocal requirements.
- Begin considering set order preferences based on selected material that you can share with your band mates.
- Begin considering band names for your group that you can share with your band mates at the meet-n-greet.
- If you have other specifics you'd like to discuss with your band mates please bring your questions with you.
- We'll discuss strategies for practicing independently while simultaneously preparing for your collective dress rehearsal.
Band Dress Rehearsals / Discography : Volume 1
Dress Rehearsal Requirements
- Please arrive on time. Our three hours together will go by quickly so we want to maximize our allotted rehearsal time by tackling any gear set-up and sound check needs as efficiently and quickly as possible upon arrival.
- Please come prepared. When you arrive to dress rehearsal you should intimately know (in mind and muscle) your respective playing parts and be able to readily-apply your parts into the group rehearsal setting. Your band mates are counting on you!
- Please bring a positive attitude. The one-rehearsal format can be stressful at times so please be patient and supportive with one another. Remember, you're all in this together.
- Gear requirements. It's recommended guitarists bring the amps they'll use during their performance (pedal boards too). The room comes standard with guitar and bass amps, drums, mics, PA, vocal monitors and mixing board, We'll discuss all things gear at the meet-n-greet including bringing your own equipment into rehearsal as necessary and/or preferred.
- And most importantly of all please have fun with your experience!
Event Details / Discography : Volume 1
Featured Albums / Discography : Volume 1
Selected TracksBand Members
Selected TracksBand Members
Selected TracksBand Members
Selected TracksBand Members
Note: If you've signed up for "Guitar 1" as your primary instrument you're committing to lead and rhythm guitar parts whereas "Guitar 2" primary instrument is rhythm guitar-parts only. Overall song presentation by all musicians should follow standard instrumentation and arrangements as originally recorded on the song's studio versions, keeping everyone on the same page regarding individual practice time, dress rehearsal preparation and event performances.